Pixi Academy Azabu Juban / Roppongi Campus is a direct affiliate school of the association.
Purpose of the Association:
The purpose of this association is to foster and expand educational environments where children can discover the joy of thinking, learning, and experiencing through their five senses (sensory experiences) via STEAM education. By actively collaborating with members, affiliated organizations, companies, institutions, and local governments, the association strives to revitalize child-rearing support and empower families nationwide. Through these efforts, the association is dedicated to nurturing children’s rich humanity and creativity, equipping them to thrive and contribute meaningfully to society.
Pixi Acdaemy麻布十番・六本木校は協会の直営スクールです。
KA Plus! by Kikokushijo Academy
KA Plus! is a new, on-demand learning service offered by Kikokushijo Academy. With the simple click of a mouse, KA Plus! members have access to a huge variety of high quality, live online classes that change on a monthly basis. From science and art to more academic subjects like EIKEN preparation, grammar, and dictation, KA Plus! has classes to meet all the after-school needs and wants of English-speaking kids. The standard monthly fee for a subscription to KA Plus! is ¥27,500, but families of PIXI Academy students pay a discounted fee of ¥8,800 per month. Interested in learning more? Check out KA Plus!’s homepage for monthly class schedules, class descriptions, and to sign up!
KA Plus! は、帰国子女アカデミー(KA)が提供する定額制のオンラインコースです。すべてのクラスにワンクリックでアクセス!毎月新しいクラスを追加しながら、豊富なコンテンツをKAクオリティのライブレッスンでお届けします。クラスは、サイエンスやアートなど英語でなにかを楽しむものから、英検対策、文法、書き取りなどスキルアップを目指すものまで、英語を話す子どもたちのニーズに幅広くお応えします。PIXI Academy が提供するサービスをご利用中の方は、通常月謝 27,500円(税込)の KA Plus! を、特別価格の 8,800円(税込)でご受講いただけます。コース詳細やお問い合わせ先は KA Plus! のホームページからご確認ください。
Reading Eggs
Reading Eggs is a trusted phonics-based app used in classrooms and at home. At Pixi Academy, we integrate it seamlessly into our curriculum to enhance learning and make reading fun. Through interactive lessons, games, and personalized activities, children build strong literacy skills, gain confidence, and develop a lifelong love for reading in a stimulating and supportive environment.
Reading Eggsは、教室や家庭で活用される信頼のフォニックス学習アプリです。Pixi Academyでは、このアプリをカリキュラムに取り入れ、学習を楽しく効果的にしています。ゲーム感覚のレッスンや個別学習を通じて、子供たちはリーディング力を高め、自信を持ち、読書への興味を深めます。